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Canceling Amazon Music Subscription

Amazon Music is one of the most popular music streaming services worldwide. However, there may come a time when you decide to cancel your Amazon Music subscription for varied reasons. Cancelling your subscription is a straightforward process that involves just a few simple steps. In this article, we will guide you through the process of cancelling your Amazon Music subscription.

Step 1: Access Your Amazon Music Account

The first step in cancelling your Amazon Music subscription is to access your Amazon Music account. You can do this by logging into your Amazon account and clicking on the “Your Amazon Music” tab. Once you click on the tab, you will be redirected to the Amazon Music homepage. You will need to ensure that you are logged in with the account that has the active Amazon Music subscription you want to cancel.

Step 2: Navigate to “Your Amazon Music Settings”

Once you are logged in to your Amazon Music account, the next step is to navigate to the “Your Amazon Music Settings” page. You can do this by clicking on the “Settings” icon located on the top right corner of the Amazon Music homepage. From here, you will be redirected to the “Amazon Music Settings” page, where you can perform a host of actions on your Amazon Music account.

Step 3: Cancel Your Amazon Music Subscription

On the “Amazon Music Settings” page, scroll down to the “Subscription Renewal” section and click on the “Cancel Subscription” button. A pop-up window will appear prompting you to confirm your decision to cancel your Amazon Music subscription. Click on the “Confirm” button to proceed with the cancellation process. You will receive an email confirming the cancellation of your Amazon Music subscription.

In conclusion, cancelling your Amazon Music subscription is easy and straightforward. By following these three simple steps, you will be able to cancel your subscription with minimal hassle. Remember that once your subscription is cancelled, you will lose access to all the benefits of Amazon Music, including unlimited ad-free music streaming, playlists, and curated radio stations.